Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Stoakes Media

Music, Reviews and More…



Driving up to Leeds Friday morning I already knew I was in for a treat. What a day this was going to be, with a great selection of live music, absolutely stunning weather and a little bit of comedy thrown in for good measure, delivered by the Devil himself, but more on that later. I was well and truly in the mood for a brilliant day.

Leeds Festival this year was tragically overshadowed by the death of a young girl who had overdosed on a ‘combination of drugs’. I have to say, entering the festival; I was thoroughly searched three times before I got into the main arena at various checkpoints, as was everyone in attendance. There were ‘surrender bins’ and people were encouraged to use them and sniffer dogs were on site. The security staff even made me empty out my wallet and turn all my pockets inside out – they were on the ball and vigilante. The Leeds festival app even had drugs awareness advice and there were drugs and welfare workers visibly present across the festival site.

So, after being searched, I made it in. What an atmosphere! 200,000 people were in attendance and it was a real hub of energy and excitement. After getting my bearings and having a little wander around the enormous site I headed down towards the main stage to catch Enter Shakari.

Enter Shakari were playing twice that day, they had a mid afternoon slot on the main stage, but then were playing later on the ‘Pit’ stage. I was glad of this, as these guys are a band you simply can’t miss and the Pit set was dangerously close to the Foo Fighters, by which time I will have taken my place in anticipation for Mr Grohl doing his thing!  So, thank goodness for this earlier slot! Rou, Rory, Chris and Rob played an excellent show and pulled out a great selection of songs, one or two new ones but a good mix of classic tracks too including ‘Sssnakepit’, ‘Juggernauts’ and ‘Sorry, You’re Not a Winner’. Bringing their mainset to a close they played ‘Live Outside’ which really underlined the fact that Enter Shakari are one of the most important British political bands of a generation.

Photo by Kyle Mcloughlin

After Enter Shakari’s set I headed over to the Alternative Stage. I had heard lots of talk throughout the day about Marcus Brigstocke’s stand up set that was due to happen, but it wasn’t just any old stand up. He was playing the Devil. It was hilarious. Nothing was a no go area, he took everything that the audience offered him and he ran with it. Obviously, Brexit was a big theme and as the Devil, he thought it was great that the country was divided and wanted out of Europe. It was fantastic that as a country we’re not getting along with anybody. It really made you think. Then he offered the audience the chance to ask about people who he had in his care down in the fiery pits of hell. The usual suspects were discussed, Hitler, Jimmy Saville, but then he offered the audience the chance to ask about living people that may or may not be on his list. It turns out it’s a constant battle with God, because even the “evil people” have done some good. Very entertaining and indeed thought provoking and just as he was about to finish someone in the audience shouted out ‘will I go to hell if  I kill Boris Johnson?’ and this was the best and most poignant  moment of the show by far, he turned around and said ‘No, don’t kill him, beat him with your words’. Was it a plant? I don’t know. But, such a powerful statement never the less and one that left the audience feeling empowered that we all can make a change!

Heading back down towards the main stage, Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes had just started their set. They played a full hour long set with everything you would expect from Mr Carter and then some. The whole band electrified the audience and guitarist Dean Richardson even walked out ‘onto’ the crowd, the crowd holding his feet as he played. A true spectacle. Frank Carter even orchestrated a huge female-only mosh pit advocating for a safe space for everyone at the festival.

Photo by Luke Dyson

A Day To Remember were up next and they unleashed their unique brand of metalcore pop punk. The crowd loved it. There were circle pits a plenty and it was edging to almost full on metal festival. Such a great atmosphere. They announced that they had been hired to make sure everyone was fully warmed up and ready for the Foo Fighters and oh boy, by the end of their blisteringly hot set. We were all well and truly pumped. They played all the fan favourites including ‘All I want’, ‘Right Back at it Again’ and my personal favourite ADTR song and the song they closed with, ‘The Downfall of us All’. As they finished there was a huge shot of pyro and then a curtain dropped at the front of the stage saying ‘You’re Welcome’, a little hint of their next album, or so I am told.

Then, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. 8.15pm, a distorted guitar chord rings out and Dave Grohl energetically runs on stage, followed by the rest of the Foo Fighters. This was my first time seeing the Foos and what a show. For the next two and a half hours we are treated to a spectacular display of rock and roll. The crowd started bouncing at the start of the first song and didn’t stop until the band went offstage at the end.

Dave and the Foos played all the hits, starting with ‘The Pretender’ and finishing with ‘Everlong’. They really did hit the ground running. The impressive thing is that the energy they started with, they maintained right the way through the show. Dave and Taylor Hawkins swapped drum duties mid way through the show for the now signature “Queen Moment”, this time the band noticed a chap in the crowd dressed as Freddy Mercury who they invited onstage to join them for ‘Under Pressure’. He had all the Freddy moves and duet-ed exceptionally well with Taylor. It was one of those special unexpected moments that you only get with a band like the Foo Fighters.

Another lovely moment and a very emotional one too, was the song ‘My Hero’. Dave invited his daughter Violet to come and sing with them and it was such a moving moment to see dad and daughter sharing the stage together. The next generation of Foo Fighter perhaps and Dave announced after the song that she was heading back home to go back to school, so that is something that “Reading won’t get!” which of course got a huge cheer from the crowd!

Photo by Matt Eachus

After a good two hours, Dave Grohl announced that the band don’t do an encore as it just wastes time. They’ve got too many songs to play, surely they must be getting towards the end now, but no, they carried on. Not really stopping or slowing down until the end of ‘This is the Call’. There was a huge crescendo at the end of the song and I was thinking ‘this was it, this was the final song’. What a way to finish. But no, Dave Grohl announces ‘We’re not done yet… Here’s a bit of rock and roll for you’ and launches into the AC/DC song ‘Let There Be Rock’. Wow, these guys are still going. They’ve played for nearly two and a half hours and are still running around with an abundance of energy. The AC/DC classic is fast, high energy, high speed and sees Dave Grohl running all over the place. What a performer. The song comes to an end and Dave Grohl announces that this next one really is the last one. ‘Everlong’ and it sends the crowd into a frenzy. What an amazing band. What a great way to finish.

Like I said, I hadn’t seen the Foo Fighters before. I have a few of their albums, I really liked their stuff, but seeing them live was just something else. One of the best bands I’ve seen live, by far.

What a festival and I was only there for the day! I’m still buzzing from it now, two days later. It was great. Bring on next year! And on the subject of next year, tickets are going on sale tomorrow. I’ll see you there!

Photo by Sarah Koury
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