
It is a well known fact that I am an absolute sucker for a great cover song. I even recorded an entire album of covers last year during lockdown, which raised money for the National Emergencies Trust Covid appeal. So I am certainly NOT one of those people that think the cover song is a ‘dirty word’ in music, but I do think there are certain songs and bands that should never be covered and Saxon have challenged this concept with pretty much every song on this album and suffice to say, they have converted me! A huge portion of this album comes under my untouchable list, and Biff and the boys nail it every time!
Opening with one of my favourite Stones songs, ‘Paint it Black’, the overdriven, distorted guitar plays that riff that starts the song off and we are thrown into a beautiful haze of heavy metal. The band stay fairly faithful to the original, just adding double doses of heavy and double vocals. I am delighted to say Biff’s voice is top notch, as always and he demonstrates throughout this album, he has maintained that power that defined Saxon in the early days.
Immigrant Song is up next, this is one of my untouchables, and yet, I can’t get enough of it. I like that Biff opted to change the war cry slightly at the beginning. It takes some balls to mess around with such an iconic song and the most iconic part of said song at that. And Saxon have absolutely nailed it.
‘Paperback Writer’ follows and this is probably my least favourite track on the album. Nothing to do with the performance of the song, because the performance is great. Vocally, Biff nails it, the band absolutely kill it, I just thought it was a bit safe. Biff takes some real risks on this album and that really excites me and when I think of the massive catalogue of Beatles songs they could have chosen, ‘Helter Skelter’, ‘Come Together’ or ‘I Saw Her Standing There’, Paperback Writer just left me a little cold. Unlike the next track, Sabbath’s ‘Evil Woman’. Another one in my ‘untouchable’ list, Biff does Ozzy better than Ozzy. I love it and its heavy, much heavier than the Sabbath original. The guitars and bass absolutely pop out in this one too. Biff’s vocals are on top form on this one. One of my album highlights!
Speaking of highlights and there are a few on this album, a blistering version of ‘Stone Free’ follows. This absolutely blew me away. I think I might even prefer it to the Hendrix version. It thunders along at about 100 mph and features a great guitar solo in the middle. Just out of this world. Motorhead’s ‘Bomber’, Deep Purple’s ‘Speed King’ and Thin Lizzy’s ‘The Rocker’ follow, all with Saxon’s unmistakeable stamp on them and they all thunder on through. I am in cover song heaven.
Then, another two of my untouchables in quick succession. First up, ‘Hold The Line’ and this is one really surprised me. Biff and the boys absolutely nail it. They manage to keep the flavour of the original, but they well and truly Saxonify it. Heavy guitars and drums and then some extra guitars for good measure and not a synth in sight. Biff absolutely nails the vocal delivery on this one, another album highlight!
Following in quick succession and another of my ‘untouchables’ and my fourth and final album highlight. AC/DC’s Problem Child. Listening to Biff’s vocals on this, I wonder why he was never approached by AC/DC to stand in for Brian. Vocally, a mixture of equal parts Bon Scott and Brian Johnson, he absolutely smashes it. Another great guitar solo at the end too.
And now, all too soon, we have come to the end of the album and what better way to finish, than with a great rendition of The Kinks’ ‘See My Friends’. The words are especially poignant given the current climate in the world at the moment. It makes you long for a return to normality and a return to festivals, gigs and better times. It’s a great cover and splendid way to close the album.
What an amazing album. I absolutely loved it and I really hope that some of these songs find their way into future Saxon sets. The album will have you singing along all the way through and this is an album not just for metal fans, but metal and rock fans alike. You will love it!
Released by: Silver Lining Music
Release Date: 19th March 2021