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Roger Waters

Us + Them Live DVD

Roger Waters is someone who needs no introduction. One of the founding members of one of the biggest bands the world has ever seen, Pink Floyd. Roger Waters continues to pull off absolutely incredible live shows. His last live DVD, The Wall, was incredible and this latest offering is right up there alongside it. Filmed in Amsterdam as part of the 2017/2018 Us + Them Roger Waters tour, this is a real sonic and visual treat to behold. I would even argue that perhaps it is better than actually being there as the visuals and projections are so huge, I wonder whether or not you would get the full effect being stood on the front row!

Opening with ‘Speak to Me’, which segways into ‘Breathe’ as it does on the Dark Side of the Moon album, this is a faithful reproduction of the original. Even down to vocalist Jonathan Wilson’s vocal performance, channelling Dave Gilmore’s vocal tone. Close your eyes and this could be Gilmore himself. The visuals are stunning, the whole show follows the character of the ‘refugee’ on her perilous journey, and right from the get go we see silhouetted images of the young refugee girl and her mother.

‘One of These Days’ is up next and this is a real treat. Great hearing one of the earlier Pink Floyd tracks, it begins and the lighting and on screen visuals convey a real sense of loss and hopelessness. The visuals on screen show what appears to be an old abandoned hospital, it looks like a horror film set and the stage is in comparative darkness, illuminated by the visuals behind. Then the piece picks up and the images, although still horrific, convey a little more hope. The performance and energy onstage is absolutely electric.

‘Time’ follows, with images of countless turning clocks on the screen behind the band. During the intro, the band are almost ‘robotic’ with very stylised movements, particularly Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig’s drumming. Then the verse kicks in with Roger singing the opening lines along with the crowd accompanying him. Vocally, Roger Waters is on form, possessing all the angst and vocal grit that he always had.

‘Great Gig in the Sky’ is up next and this is another treat. Different to the original as it has two vocalists rather than one, but this just means absolutely awe-inspiring harmonies. Definitely a show highlight for me, Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig are absolutely incredible and vocally they dance through those lines. Delivering a much softer more soulful rendition, I absolute loved it.

I was pleased that Roger included material from his latest solo record, ‘Is this The Life We Really Want?’ These songs stand up against the best of the Floyd material, showing that Roger Waters is every bit as relevant now as he ever was. He has something to say and that is the mark of a true artist. ‘Déjà vu’ is the first of three new tracks and is a powerful acoustic ballad that really questions the ways of the world. ‘The Last Refugee’ picks up the refugee character as she begins her long journey to freedom and then, the final new track ‘Picture That’ brings to the forefront just how ridiculous some of our world leaders are. Roger takes numerous direct swipes at President Trump for instance throughout, hailing him as one of the ‘Pigs’.

Wish You were here really moved me, after the trio of songs from ‘Is this The Life We Really Want?’, the refugee character has been well and truly established and the image on the screen behind the band of two hands trying but failing to reach one another conveys a loss and a sadness just not present in the original.  

‘Another Brick In The Wall’ is a spectacle. Roger Waters is speaking out against the tyranny of the world. A true act of defiance! Dancers donning orange prison jumpsuit uniforms are on stage with the band and the jumpsuits are eventually removed revealing ‘Resist’ T shirts underneath. A powerful message calling on us all to stand up against our oppressors! A song that is forty years old and is every bit as relevant for today’s audience as it was back in 1979.

The show at this point becomes a little surreal and a little bit George Orwell esque, a huge Battersea Power station is hung over the audience throughout ‘Dogs’ and ‘Pigs’, with Donald Trump getting ridiculed further throughout these songs. Roger and the band at the end of ‘Dogs’ put Pig masks on and sip champagne, a very theatrical moment, Roger holds a sign up declaring that Pigs Rule The World, before he claws the mask off and holds up another sign, saying Fuck The Pigs! A huge cheer erupts in the audience. During ‘Pigs’ the inflatable Pig glides around the audience, begging people to stay human. This is straight up political activism and Roger delivers a powerful message.

‘Money’ follows on perfectly and then the calm after the storm, ‘Us and Them’ begins to bring things to a close. This is particularly relevant and resonates with the current BLM movements, with a strong message to spread love and not hatred. Images of war and conflict continue to be shown on the screens and then in black and white the lifeless body of the refugee, floating having drowned on her journey. ‘Brain Damage’ and ‘Eclipse’ are an emotional close. The audience are visibly moved at this point.

A drone floats over the audience as a Laser pyramid shines in 3D over the front rows.  The pyramid is then flooded in the rainbow prism, and in that sole moment, the band and audience are united and there is no ‘us and them’, there is only us! We are all united.

The extra features are worth a watch too, a documentary chronicling some rehearsal and behind the scenes tour footage and great live versions of ‘Smell the Roses’ and ‘Comfortably Numb’. Roger Waters is an activist, he is for the people and this love and unity shines through. He calls for the ‘love and unity in the room to spread throughout the world’. This film was a very emotional watch and it takes you on a journey. It is impossible not to be moved as you watch and listen to these timeless songs re invigorated for this age. Us + Them is a beautiful production with a message of love and humanity, all in all, a great gig!

Released by: Sony Music

Release date: 2nd October 2020

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