Live in Dublin

A few months ago I reviewed the Jimmy’s Cousin debut album, ‘Waxwings’ and in the review I said it was the perfect soundtrack to accompany you on a night to a New York cocktail bar. Well, now, we no longer have to imagine what that kind of night may sound like, as Jimmy’s Cousin have released a live album. No, not Live in NYC, not quite, but ‘Live in Dublin’.
The album opens with a new track, ‘Stay’. After such a brilliant debut album, perhaps it was a little risky opening the show with a new song, but in this case, the risk certainly payed off. ‘Stay’ is a really smooth album opener that builds into a huge crescendo. A crescendo that sees the keys almost exploding, it then comes right down to just a bass solo played by Paul Moore. Ian Dodson’s vocals are great. What a great album opener.
The next track ‘I Do’ features a prominent guitar in the forefront of the track, which adds an urgency to the song. It gives the song an edgier feel and it really works. ‘Look at Me Now’ is next and Ian opens the track by saying it reminds him of someone he knew lost last year. Its a reminiscent track, with a gorgeous piano accompaniment. Again, Ian’s vocals are perfect for such a thoughtful song. The song builds up throughout but keeps the simplicity of just vocals and piano with a few drums in the background. A wonderful rendition
Next up is ‘Waxwings’, the title track of the debut album. This again is a beautiful rendition. It’s really held back and restrained. You can really feel the emotions running through this song. Its a great moment and one of the highlights of the album.
The album continues and what a great album it is. There isn’t a bad song on it. One of the other many highlights was the blues tinged track ‘Who Let You People In’ – the addition of Hammond organ and crunchy guitar gives a real 60’s blues feel. Its a real electric moment on the album. I have to mention a very cool wah wah guitar solo that was included in the song, definitely leaning more towards the classic blues rock of the 60’s. Stunning!
I have to mention my favourite Jimmy’s Cousin song, ‘I’ll Never Love Again’. Like the second track ‘I Do’ – this is quicker and more urgent. The album version is more thoughtful, whereas this is desperate. The narrator is pleading, and the desperation is heightened by the quicker tempo. ‘I’ll never Love again’, what a horrific thought and it certainly comes through in the performance. Definitely a brilliant live version of the song.
The album finishes with another unreleased song and actually the official single of the album, ‘Blind’. Opening with a bass riff and then with horns coming in, this is a great track. It’s a real high energy number. A great keys solo from James Delaney tops the song off. This could easily be an E Street Band effort, its a great show and album closer and I love it. There’s also a very catchy chorus which I guarantee you’ll be singing along to, and will continue singing long after the album has finished. I love it.
What a fantastic live album. It has some fantastic moments, both real high energy moments but also some equally wonderful restrained held back points too. It all combines to produce a fantastic musical journey. After listening to Jimmy’s Cousin: Live in Dublin, you don’t just feel like you’ve listened to a live album, you feel like you were actually there and as a result I cant wait to these guys live in the UK, hopefully, very soon.
Released By Desertion Records
Released On 30th September