
Until listening to Kryptos I had no idea there was an Indian Metal movement, nor did I realise it had been going for so long. Kryptos are leaders in the genre and are now celebrating their 20th anniversary. Kryptos have supported Maiden, appeared at Wacken twice and are about to undertake a European tour.
Bangalore metallers Kryptos cite their influences as Judas Priest, Accept and Kreator among others. With Nolan Lewis on vocals and rhythm guitar, Rohit Chaturvedi on lead guitar and Ganesh K. on bass they have achieved a sound that is classic heavy metal and then some.
The album opens with the title track. The opening riff is one that you may expect to find on a Judas Priest album, very much in the vein of NWOBHM, but then Lewis starts singing, his vocals are rough and gruff. The vocals give the song a modern edge. Add to that a crunching guitar solo. I am in metal heaven. I cant help but head bang to this. Its fast, crunchy and the two guitars are working, perfectly complenting each other.
The album continues, another stand out song for me is ‘Red Dawn’. It begins with distorted, discord that is played on the guitar, both guitars seem to clash. Then comes Lewis’ dark brooding vocals, it’s a really dark song, with lyrics equally terrifying, ‘startling silence shattered by your piercing scream’. It still manages to maintain an upbeat feeling and I especially like the twin guitar solo, which lightens the mood, only temporarily mind you!
The final song on the album ‘Into the Wind’ is yet another highlight for me. Again taking its influence from those early bands of the 70s, I am even hearing a little bit of Deep Purple coming through, especially in the guitar solos. At just over six minutes, it is by far the longest track on the album. They say, save the best until last – Kryptos certainly have!
Afterburner is a great metal album, albeit a tad short. With a run time of just under 40 minutes and only 8 songs, I would have liked at least another song or two… Perhaps that’s just me wanting too much of a good thing, I don’t know. It really is an excellent album, the guitars work perfectly together and Lewis’ voice is the icing on the cake. I have discovered Indian metal tonight and thanks to Kryptos, I’m now off to discover more.
Released by AFM records
Release Date: 21st June