Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

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Naked Six

Lost Art Of Conversation

Its not often you hear a debut album that just well and truly blows you away and takes you completely by surprise. But, that is exactly what happened on the first listen of Naked Six’s debut, The Lost Art of Conversation. Fronted by Seb Byford, with Tom Witts on drums and percussion and Callum Witts on bass and keys. 

This is a real angsty album, that well and truly sticks two fingers up at the establishment. Opening with 21st Century Brawl, this is a slow build which eases the listener into the rebellious nature of this album. With more of a spoken word megaphone esque vocal, calling out to the listener and stating the problem with society it runs into the second track, very much with a punk influence, ‘Song of the City’ – I have to say, I love the distorted vocal effect on Sebs vocals. It gives the album a real sense of authenticity, almost like he’s stood on Speakers Corner speaking to the masses.

‘Lost Art of Conversation’ is up next. This is a song that really does highlight everything wrong with society in 2020. Opening up with a nice catchy guitar riff, before Sebs proclaiming vocals come in. ‘This is the dawn of the new age…. Lost conversation’. I love the guitar on this track. Its short and punchy, but says exactly what it needs to say.

Perhaps the grungiest track on the album is ‘Gimme Something’ – opening with a solo guitar line almost akin to the opening of AC/DC’s ‘For Those About to Rock’, that pretty much runs through the song. The drums and bass then kick in, the bass line is really funky and distorted, and really works with the attitude of the song – giving it that raw grunge feel with the lick of rock and roll! Then the distorted vocals come in crying out for ‘truth and inspiration’ – is it a comment on the political landscape that we are facing today? Perhps, I don’t know… But, what I do know, is, it’s a bloody good song!

The album wraps up with ‘Peace by the Pistol’ – another angry track at the current state of the system, that questions what exactly are we fighting for. ‘Some thing’s we’ll never understand’ Perhaps the best antidote to Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson that I’ve heard in a song! It is a real anthem too, starting quite manically, that then slows right down and concludes with a gorgeous sax solo at the end. I love the pounding drums and the edgy guitar in this track too. All seem to relax by the end and the chaos once experienced, fades away as the sax washes over you.

Overall, as a debut album, this is an absolute belter. It really does shake you up and ignite that revolutionary spark that everyone has inside of them. It makes you question the unjust nature of the world in which we live. This is not just a fantastic album, this is a political statement! Perhaps, my one criticism is the length, coming in at just over half an hour, I want more! That being said, I cannot wait to hear more from Naked Six and I can only imagine what their live shows will grow into!   

Releaesed By: Silver Lining Music

Release Date: 6th March

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