Resorts World Arena, Birmingham – 05/06/23
What can I say about this band that hasn’t already been said? As the lights dim, we were promised, the greatest rock ‘n’ roll band in the world. The fireworks start, and the band enter the arena being lowered down from the rafters. This is kiss on their final tour. Birmingham, This is the end of the road!
But first, back to the beginning. The Wild Things opened the night with an exciting mix of rock ‘n’ roll. Taking tracks from their first album, incidentally produced by Pete Townshend, and some of their newer stuff, they played a great opening set. I just wish it was longer. ‘Loaded Gun’ and latest single ‘Only Attraction’ were definite set highlights and I would urge everyone, if you haven’t discovered the Wild Things yet, you need to check them out.
Welsh reggae rockers Skindred where Up Next. Proving themselves to be a festival staple, the following weekend they played Download, these welsh rockers are a fantastic band who always deliver.
I’ve seen Skindred a number of times now and absolutely love what they do. I wasn’t sure whether they were the right band to support KISS though. They didn’t receive the normal reaction from the crowd, the kiss army, possibly somewhat unfamiliar with the band and perhaps Skindred were just that bit too heavy.
As a Skindred fan, seeing the audience almost sedate was bizarre. Benji was pulling out all the stops, however, the crowd were just not biting. By the time the Newport helicopter came along I’m pleased to say the crowd finally ‘got it’ and all joined in after some encouragement.

KISS were another level! I have never seen so much pyro, so many fireworks and so many explosions in one show. Paul Stanley shrieks a hello as they launch into their first song ‘Detroit Rock City’ and what follows is two hours of a spectacular rock and roll circus. This is on hell of a show.
They don’t just play the hits, they play some deep cuts too even playing four tracks from their debut album. ‘Cold Gin’ was a particular highlight from said debut – this is a band that still has it.
Yes, they’ve slowed down, yes it’s a little harder to move around in those huge costumes and platform shoes, but the energy and the performance is still there and the crowd are lapping it up.
I was delighted they didn’t overlook their newer material – they played a great rendition of ‘Say Yeah’ from 2009’s Sonic Boom album, but let’s not pretend we were there for the new stuff! We wanted the hits and KISS were delivering! Towards the end of the show, Paul Stanley normally comes into the crowd on a high wire and lands on a platform in the middle and I was starting to think this iconic moment wasn’t going to happen.
But, after Gene Simmons’ ‘God of Thunder’ complete with blood spewing out of his mouth, Paul Stanley shrieks ‘I wanna come see you’ as a platform is rising up at the other end of the arena! He flies over the crowd, almost in touching distance, and sings ‘Love Gun’ and ‘I was Made For Loving You’ to rapturous excitement and applause!

What a spectacular night, Black Diamond brings the main set to a close with the band quickly leaving the stage before Eric Singer rises from under the stage, sat at a piano to sing ‘Beth’. It was best vocal performance of the night by far, what a lovely song! But we ain’t here for pretty, that’s like going to an Ed Sheeran concert for the electro guitar solos!
We’re here for the spectacle, the fireworks and they come thick and fast in the last two songs. ‘Do You Love Me’ followed by ‘Rock and Roll All Nite’ finish the show off, with an explosion of so much confetti, we can hardly see the band! What a way to finish.
They did rock and roll all night, they promised us the best and they well and truly delivered. I was absolutely buzzing after that show and the question of is it really the end of the road? I really think it’s true this time. I think this is it. They play another few dates in the U.K. and I think, that really is the end. 50 years after they started, they’re finally bringing it to and. My advice, go and see them! They will not disappoint.