Hangar 34, Liverpool – 21/10/2022
A last minute realisation that King King were playing in Liverpool, a mere stones throw from me, resulted in me arriving at Liverpool’s Hangar 34 in the Baltic Triangle to see these incredible Blues Rockers in action.
I had been instructed to arrive early and catch the support band, The Damn Truth, as they (in Peter Noble’s words) ‘are amazing’! And my god, he wasn’t wrong. What a band. I’d interviewed Lee-La last year on Radio TFSC, but I’d never seen them live and what a treat. Opening up with ‘This is Who We Are Now’, a real rocker that opens the bands second album, the bands energy was infectious. They get you as they play that first chord and just don’t let you go for the whole set!
Lee-La has some incredible vocal chops, such a great voice and she can rock out on guitar with the best of them. Lead guitarist Tom Shemer is incredible, and the band is completed by bassist PY Letellier and drummer Dave Traina. They all combine to create a great 60s/70s sounding and looking band and they absolutely killed it!!

‘Full on You’ and ‘Lonely’ follow and then its ‘Only Love’ and latest single ‘Look Innocent’. Bassist PY is sonically a cross between Jon Paul Jones and thunder finger’s himself, John Entwistle and drummer Dave really, REALLY hits hard!
‘Tomorrow’ brings the 30 minute set to a close and what a set! The band absolutely blew me away, I loved every second of it. I heard someone in the crowd at the end of the gig saying The Damn Truth had a bit of a Led Zep vibe and I think I would be inclined to agree, you can definitely hear the bands influences running deep through their music and with the backing of Metallica producer Bob Rock who produced their last album, watch out for The Damn Truth – they are going far!
Onto the main event and my second time seeing King King, (the first was at Firestorm over the summer) the band come onstage to AC/DC’s ‘Highway To Hell’ and kick proceedings off with ‘Gimme No Lovin’ from the 2017 Exile & Grace album – the crowd were instantly hooked and all clapping and singing along.

‘Fire in My Soul’ and ‘One World’ follow and I’ve got to say, I loved the Hammond organ solo that opens ‘Rush Hour’ – the crowd lit up and sang along with real gusto!
Alan dedicates the next song ‘Coming Home’ to Robbie Coltrane who we sadly lost earlier this week. A lovely song with expert guitar playing from both Alan and his brother Steve. So far the set has been pretty rocky, but Alan now announces that they’d better do a blues song, given they’re a blues band afterall, cue the first of many blues epics; ‘A Long History of Love’. Alan’s vocals are perfect and his guitar playing is sublime!
‘Whatever it Takes To Survive’ follows and I must be honest, the first time I heard this song live, I cried and despite Liverpools rendition not having quite that effect on me as I knew what was coming, the hairs on my neck were still stood up and chills ran down my spine. Awe inspiring!

I must mention Steve Nimmo, who for the majority of the show acts as rhythm guitarist, but in ‘I Will Not Fall’ delivers his own face melting solo. Both Nimmo brothers move the entire crowd with their guitar skills but Stevie’s solo tonight just oozed soul. Another incredible moment.
All too soon, the final song of the night kicks in, ‘Stranger to Love’ – another incredible blues track. It’s clear why blues heavyweights like Joe Bonamassa champion King King, yet again they deliver an incredible song, this time, Alan taking the band from full volume to full on acoustic with no amps and back up to full pelt. Alan even steps back off the mic and you can hear his powerful voice unamplified, one of a few singers who could get by without a PA if need be, then after a huge crescendo, they’re done!
After a brief moment, they’re back onstage for the encore, a cover of Eric Clapton’s ‘Old Love’ and what a way to finish. When I saw the band at Firestorm, I said in my review that I witnessed a ‘masterclass in guitar playing and almost the presence of god on that stage in the form of Alan Nimmo!’ I’d like to add this to my initial statement:
Watching Alan Nimmo on the guitar is akin to a religious experience. He is simply amazing. Incredible vocals, great guitar and a phenomenal band!
Yes folks! That good. To sum up the evening in a few words, King King, The Damn Truth – A mind blowing night of live music!